As revolutionary as Google Maps was, bringing instant, step by step directions straight to peoples smart phones; Google is in the process of once again releasing possibly the most game-changing technology to the maps industry since the invent of the sextant: indoor maps.
But before we explore the technology, its uses, and how it will change your day-to-day life, lets discuss the changes of the map-making industry, and how it grew with the development of new technology. The cartography industry grew in large part due to the intellectual expansion in Ancient Greece, and philosopher’s creation of basic mathematics, as well as geometry and calculus.
Surveyors used these new techniques to physically measure, plot, and illustrate landscapes by hand, without the use of some of today’s most fundamental tools. Map making became exponentially more accurate following the invention of the devices like the compass, sextant, and theodolite. The compass, of course providing the map maker with the essential cardinal directions; the sextant is a navigational instrument used to determine elevation above the horizon, in other words a sextant allows you to calculate a “line of position,” a path, along the surface of the earth. When used with other triangulation devices, individuals are able to determine latitude and longitude; and a theodolite is used to measure horizontal and vertical angles in relation to specific sites, allowing for greater measurements in surveying.
These devices, as well as countless others, allowed for greater world exploration and more accurate cartography of both “new” and inhabited lands. And while map making is dramatically different today in relation to ancient cartography in that the technology used is far more developed, the basic concepts remain. But in a time period in which rain forests are being destroyed, giving way for more urban living, where buildings scrape the sky, and people drive everywhere in their various automobiles- the need to efficiently maneuver around is incredibly vital.
Yes, we have had accurate maps for centuries now, but we still lack written, easily accessible indoor maps. And the “You are here” displays in malls don’t count, as they draw more of a parallel with mouse mazes than real usable maps. Rather, imagine being able to look up directions to a doctor’s office, classroom, or meeting location days before your actual appointment. Or running late to a job interview and being able to find the fastest step-by-step directions to places within a building. Google is currently making maneuvering around buildings far easier with their creation of indoor Google maps software.
This software, which is available on both iPhones and Android devices provides the user with a floor plan of the building they are in, allowing the users to figure out where they are, and orient themselves with their environment- even showing you what floor your on. Indoor Google maps will appear right through the Google maps app, allowing you to plan your entire trip from the comfort of your home to the room of your final destination. Talk about better than door-to-door service.
Until next time,
Kelli Richards, CEO of The All Access Group, LLC
0 thoughts on ““Indoor” Google Maps”
Google driving directions are simply the best! Many renowned technology experts and fans actually believe that this service is even better than MapQuest and I agree with them. Driving directions are available at the official Google Maps website which is located at the following url:
Combinations with photo sharing websites, such as Flickr , are used to create “memory maps”.