From Rotary Phones to ??? – The Every Changing Market of Communications


Snapping “selfies” (self-taken pictures) on the beach while drinking margarita’s and uploading them to social sites might be a good way to share the moment with friends, but the potential for bosses and professional colleagues to see the less-than-scandalous, but inappropriate-for-your-brand pictures is always lurking close behind. Snapchat, a currently trending app, has found a way for you to avoid awkward looks at the office, but still let your friends in on how your weekend getaway was spent.

Snapchat is for picture and video messaging only. For instance, it’s an easy and fun way to let your friends know what they missed out on when they turned down your concert tickets with a simple video message. You can control how many seconds the message is viewed (the limit is 10 seconds), and who sees it. Users can also add captions to their pictures and videos. Send a video of your baby’s first steps to your whole family in an instant, just remember to save the video (or picture) before you send it, because once it is sent, it is gone forever. Snapchat permanently deletes all of the pictures and videos that you send and receive after you’ve viewed them.

With the digital age exploding, communication is an ever-evolving market right now. It seems like a lifetime from rotary phones to smartphones, and the changes are coming at a faster and faster pace.

Some other apps changing the instant communication landscape are WhatsApp and Voxer. With these apps you can send a text message, voice clip, or video snippet with just a touch of a finger on your smartphone. The best part? They’re practically free.

WhatsApp costs $0.99 to download, but sending and receiving text messages and videos is free. After a simple download, users can enter their phone number, which the app software adopts as a username. WhatsApp syncs the contacts stored on the device and adds people –who also have the app. Once the app is set up, you can send unlimited texts, pictures, and videos. Another perk of this app is that you can use it internationally. Have a friend in England? Don’t worry, you can still send them pictures of your cat (Milo, in my case) or steamy mug of morning java. The app also makes chatting with a group easy; just add a subject line and people to the group to start messaging.

Similar to WhatsApp, Voxer also allows its users to text and send pictures, in addition to sending voices messages. Voxer yanks on your inner child’s desire to play because it is, in essence, a glorified walkie-talkie. The focal facet of this app is its push-to-talk feature. Want to remind your husband to pick up the kids from school? Send a verbal message in seconds.

There will always be a demand for a faster and better means of communicating. Who knows, one day soon we might even remember to go old school and communicate face to face. The invaluable power of a REAL connection, in real-time. Mind blowing, right?

What do you think will be next for communication technology?

Until next time,
Kelli Richards, CEO of the All Access Group, LLC

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