Developers at Leap Motion may be in the process of creating the most revolutionary tool to hit computers in decades: the ability to control your computer using just your hands and simple finger movements. The Leap Motion device is a flash drive size gadget that connects to either your Mac or PC and instantly allows you to manipulate the three-dimensional model on your screen.
Inspired by the idea that it takes 10 seconds to mold clay in real life but 30 minutes using a computer, Leap Motion wanted a way to make “molding virtual clay as easy as molding clay in the real world.” And it seems that with the use of infrared LED’s and several cameras’ the Leap Motion controller has succeeded in revolutionizing the way people will interact with their computers; creating a virtual space above the cigarette sized device, tracking your movements in real time, accurate to 1/100th of a millimeter. What makes this invention so impressive is that the use of this virtual 3D space, allows the user to physically manipulate content rather than simply communicate with it in the form of gestures. (Swiping your hand to the left to change pages, or pinch your fingers to zoom in.)
Wired has declared that Leap Motion is, “the best gesture-control system we’ve ever tested;” and The Verge called the device, “the next big thing in computing.” But how will Leap Motion change the way you use your computer? Imagine surfing the Internet without the use of a mouse- clicking, scrolling, zooming in and out, and rotating images using only your hands. Editing excel sheets could be done with out tediously selecting and dragging data with a mouse and keyboard shortcuts, but instead by simply grabbing and dragging items with yours hands. Envision artists creating, drawing, molding, onscreen images in the most natural way possible- again, with their hands. Imagine doctors manipulating 3-Dimensional images of the human body to help patients pinpoint ailments; or surgeons practicing procedures in controlled environments.
Leap Motion’s cofounder David Holz believes that touch screen tablets are so incredibly popular because of their intuitive nature (in comparison to mice and keyboards), but such technology is limited. Holz has stated, “the fact is that you can’t really do anything with a tablet, with tap and swipe, but it feels natural… We have that same natural experience but we have more power.” And at a price of $69.99, the Leap Motion controller is reasonably priced, setting the stage for it to enter the homes of masses, revolutionizing our entire computing experience soon rather than later.
While currently the Leap Motion controller may be a computer gamer’s dream toy, allowing users to fire guns in a similar motion used by Clint Eastwood in Gran Torino, Leap Motion has declared, “The possibilities are endless, really. Art. Healthcare. Engineering. Gaming. If you can imagine it, we’re pretty confident there’s a remarkable member of our developer community who’s already making it a reality… We know, it sounds too good to be true. But that’s what we specialize in around here.”
You can watch the Leap Motion device in action here: Introducing the Leap Motion
Until next time,
Kelli Richards, CEO of The All Access Group, LLC