Rich Litvin

“What I get about you is that from a young age you were bright, you were precocious, you saw things that most people couldn’t see, and you weren’t afraid to say things that other people were afraid to say. You watched the Beatles being successful, and unlike others who wanted to be The Beatles, you said ‘I want to be the person behind the Beatles’. You think differently. No surprise that if we fast forward a little bit, when you thought ‘I need a mentor’ you sought out Steve Jobs. You aim high when you’re doing anything; go big or go home. You sought out Steve Jobs because, even from a young age, you knew you could approach anyone if you come from a place that I’ve got something of value for you — or I know something about you — this isn’t someone trying to take something from them.

Aiming high and being fearless about opening doors is what makes you a super-connector. It’s who you’ve always been. You’re a super-connector in two ways — 1) in how you’re not afraid to connect with people, but 2) from a young age you saw there was an overlap between content and technology, Hollywood and Silicon Valley, and you operated at that thin sliver between them — literally driving and thriving at the cutting edge of that convergence early on before most could envision them coming together. You have a super-power of connecting ideas and concepts from different worlds.”

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– Rich Litvin

Owner, The Litvin Group
Coach to World Class Top Performers