With so many wonderful things coming to fruition in the coming year, and so many beautiful friendships and great business alliances and success stories in 2012, I just wanted to stop and take a moment to say how much my friends and colleagues mean to me. I’ve been fortunate to work with some amazing people on some of the most groundbreaking tech advances of the last decade, and as a consultant, I’ve been a thought leader and liaison across two industries. This work is still as thrilling to me as it was the first day I started All Access Group.Thank you for letting me share ideas, strategies, solutions and even inspirations. May this holiday season give you time to reflect on the many wonderful things still to accomplish in this rare gift, a beautiful life.
Best wishes, Kelli Richards |
A Few Gifts… If you didn’t get my holiday gift yet, Just click through to my website (In January I’ll be releasing a CD set of the Have a safe and happy holiday season **********************************************************
Also, the Replay of my “Apple’s 12 Best Practices” for immediate access.