Live Viewing Services for YouTube Verified Users?
In a day and age largely defined by the creation and expansion of social networking, and sharing, YouTube’s expansion of live video services to all verified users, may not seem so revolutionary or even like a new idea, but it will no doubt prove its versatility. The live viewing services offered by YouTube have slowly been released to the public. The minimum YouTube followers needed to use live feeds has been decreased from its original 1,000, to 100, and now to all verified users. Becoming a verified YouTube user requires the release of various personal information and access to your past YouTube activity, but such data releases seem to be a common practice at this point- used in large part to supplement your user interface, making it a more personal experience. (But this is also a very appealing source of information for marketers attempting to target specific audiences, which can be determined through internet and YouTube use.)

Besides the business arena, on the personal level the options for live sharing on YouTube seem endless: High School football game, Reunion, Graduation, Holiday Dinner? You can share live feeds of all these life and family events with everyone who is unfortunately unable to attend. But such live sharing can extend far beyond the family sharing dynamic. The potential for such streaming was previewed by Red Bull Stratos Mission, which saw a man free fall from the edge of our atmosphere. The event drew 8 million viewers.
Live sharing on YouTube may have just solved problems that die hard sports fan, music fans, and over protective parents have had for years. Is your favorite sports team’s game blacked out, or not being aired while you’re away? You will be able to Tube it. Who needs Slingbox or similar services when you can YouTube it? It is music to the music fans ears; all those who can’t afford concert tickets, or have to work the one time Beyonce is in town? They can Tube it. The point is that YouTube’s live streaming really brings YouTube into a different genre of entertainment; one that may at some point rival television, or if not supplements television, like Xbox One’s new interface, or Google’s attempts at Google TV.
However, perhaps the most immediately useful aspect of YouTube’s live streaming application is that it can work with Google+ Hangout which brings the live streaming to a two-way video broadcast, making meetings, marketing events, or interviews accessible from all over the world, live.
YouTube has put something really special together with its new live streaming service, I don’t want to pay for similar devices but I would definitely spend the extra 30 seconds to verify my YouTube account and reap these awesome benefits.
Until next time,
Kelli Richards, President, CEO of the All Access Group, LLC
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