Day: May 7, 2013

Are You Ready to THRIVE?

Thrive Poster w info & KelliDo you ever feel like your life is passing you by? Like there are things you’ve wanted to do and make happen, but you just haven’t gotten around to doing them? Do you feel like you’ve been distracted or lived a life of excuses or have felt pressure to keep up with the Joneses, but the harder you try, the more it slips away? It’s time to get real and get empowered. It’s time to THRIVE.

Join me, Kelli Richards, on Friday, June 28, 2013 and learn how to stop wishing your life away.

Date: Friday, June 28, 2013

Time: 9am – 4pm

Location: Silicon Valley Capital Club, San Jose CA

Based on “Million Dollar Consultant” Alan Weiss’s recent book by the same name, this experience will forever change the way you look at the world and empower you to feel and act as the master of your own fate.

Under Alan’s direction, Kelli has condensed and solidified 25 years of working with industry leaders and celebrities to share a very powerful set of skills that will rouse you to set your own course without fear, baggage, intimidation, or guilt.

Thrive! will help you create consistent high points of self-worth (mastery) through the intelligent acquisition and application of skills.

In this powerful one-day workshop you will:

    • Evaluate what’s working and not working in your life; ID areas for transformation
    • Develop techniques to create reasonable “stretch” goals for growth
    • Articulate what legitimate achievements look like for you
    • Master use of your time, including overcoming distractions
    • Jettison the energy suckers and bad influences
    • Mastery of your own life; no longer base your self-worth on outside judgments
    • Get real about things you’ve said you really wanted to do/have in life but never get around to
    • Kill cows (throw baggage off the train—no cows will be harmed!)
    • Act like a success to live like a success
    • Avoid victim and poverty mentalities; be accountable for actions & adopt an abundance mindset
    • Deal with difficult people (including yourself)
    • Recognize and exploit your own greatest assets
    • Get comfortable with who you are & drive your life autonomously vs. keeping up with the Joneses
    • Embrace self-mastery and self-direction
    • Voluntarily discuss obstacles and learn to overcome them
    • Create a six point, personal plan to ensure that you Thrive!

Investment in your future: $799 registration fee 
($599 if you register before May 15).

In addition, you’ll receive a copy of Alan’s book “Thrive: Stop Wishing Your Life Away” on which this workshop is based; lunch is also included. Register early as space is limited & we expect it to sell out.

Yes, sign me up for Thrive!

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