Beamz Interactive – Play Music with Ease and Add A Visual Element
Are you one of those people who think they can’t play music or will never learn to play an instrument? I have heard people say things like “I’m too old now” or “I’m just not musically gifted.” Thanks to the great products from Beamz Interactive, you’ll never be able to use those excuses again. Beamz has created a great new interactive music system that uses lasers to enable users to create music. And I cannot think of a better stocking stuffer for anyone in your life….think DJ’s, musicians, educators, music lovers, kids – anybody. This is one of the most inventive, original products of this decade.
Beamz is a great tool for anyone who wants to make music; from the seasoned veterans to the newcomers. It has over 100 instruments that can be arranged and triggered by breaking the light path of each beam with different gestures. With over 20 presets for different genres, fans of any music will be able to create, mix, and remix their own tracks (or any number of the tracks that come pre-loaded).
With the spirit of giving so prevalent during the holidays, Beamz is giving away free interactive holiday songs as well as original songs created with their technology. They’ve got some great hardware and software bundles too. So if you’re thinking of buying a Beamz system, you can pick up Virtual DJ or Acid Music Studio as a nice stocking stuffer.
For more info on that, head over to and check it out.
Happy Holidays,
Kelli Richards
CEO of The All Access Group