The Power of a Weekly Sabbatical


One of my business mentors is Alan Weiss (aka “The Million Dollar Consultant”); he’s the global authority on educating and coaching consultants, and I’ve been working with him for well over a decade at this point. Alan shares best practices from his own experience and teaches us how to grow and expand our businesses, how to be leaders in our respective fields, and essentially how to thrive under all circumstances. Alan is constantly re-inventing himself and coming up with compelling new programs and services for his audience.

One of my favorite programs he crafted was a weekly video series entitled “The Weekly Sabbatical” where he’d share five-minute insights on the fine art of taking time for ourselves every week. There were two aspects of this series; one was that we could (and should!) give ourselves permission to work less and enjoy our lives more, and the other was that Alan would share a specific idea for us to consider and try on for size in just five minutes a week. These ideas included the following for example: clearing clutter, planning a trip OR just doing some local travel, going to see a movie, see a child’s ball game, planting a garden, reviewing our financial goals, pondering our legacy, take a walk in nature, get a makeover — clothes, make-up, hair, et al.

The key is that this ‘sabbatical’ day is NOT time on a weekend day — but that you carve out on a weekday during the work week (!) — with the goal of balancing the business of our work with meaningful projects and fun activities that would result in enhancing our life and making us feel more fulfilled, happier and more empowered. We all deserve this! Granted, this is easier if you work for yourself OR if you work from home.

Do you light up with creative ideas and possibilities of your own as you’re reading this? I hope so. I encourage you to give yourself permission to try this approach on for size and observe how it benefits you.

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